Μετάβαση σε περιεχόμενο
Pokerland Φόρουμ

mathew ace

  • Δημοσιεύσεις

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Όλες οι δημοσιεύσεις του/της mathew ace

  1. Pigi : ippokosmos.blogspot....Einai kati san "vivliografia" ..Afta prepei na ta grafoume... i think ..... :P
  2. seriously, to thread sinexizetai? ..LOL
  3. sotiris4ad έγραψε: snap call
  4. 11,000 tours......huh??????
  5. 1. reraise pre 2. Call river.
  6. ty GsBets Much appreeciated !
  7. 9,500 xwris kerdos?.....esena afto sou fainetai ok?
  8. timoros έγραψε: lets go 4 it guys , mborei na eisakoustoume .. pame oloi osoi simfwnoun +1 +1
  9. ekanes kala, ekanes kala
  10. mathew ace

    kappalas sweat

  11. 2500 starting stack kai 100ria satts imo
  12. Raise Turn ~9-10k ish.Obvious A in villain's cards, Pump the pot. [obv an yparxei AQ sto hand, gg]
  13. 11,000 tournoua? nick?
  14. ** Σε αυτό το θέμα γίνεται σχολιασμός του άρθρου: Πρωτιές με μεγάλες εισπράξεις για τους Φοίβο Πέττα και Μίλτο Κυριακίδη σε side events του EPT της Πράγας!! ** lol, to variance xtipaei tin porta mesw twn turbinwn...LOL. Milto luckbox lol !! gg pektoura
  15. Confucius έγραψε: einai dinaton?
  16. pm stous mods charlie.
  17. seriously, must read thread
  18. stop playing imo. +pEV ( psychological)
  19. mathew ace

    Stacking GSOP

    ok bro , glglggglglgll
  20. mathew ace

    Stacking GSOP

    giwti emeine tipota?
  21. Quoting crf: " Ti sou ftiakse... "
  22. One thread...One man ...One desire.. kolarakias this summer is......" The Lonely Thread Guy " Soon in theatres near you. By Universal
  23. ImbecIle έγραψε: + 10000 Saki esy eisai o Metafrastis
  24. akrivws. OBV
  25. edw kanoume all-in. weeeeeeeee
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