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Pokerland Φόρουμ


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Όλες οι δημοσιεύσεις του/της ineverfold

  1. snap fold
  2. mathew ace έγραψε: vak the king
  3. all in....go broke....nh sir kai ksekinas kenourgio
  4. balame psomaki sto trapezi
  5. online poker = rigged 3 fores pair kai den ekana set simera
  6. a)45bb o arxikos raiser b)squeeze apo button/blinds c)bb 12bb left an eixe 100bb o raiser to call einai ok
  7. lol emena pios enna me kamei en to thema .....
  8. sto cash...tourn en katalavw
  9. giati en ton kamnei kanenas coach afou tou areskei to pexnidi ?
  10. lol giati ?
  11. fold pre
  12. ineverfold


    ***** History for hand R5-27563050-919 ***** Start hand: Wed Feb 17 00:51:35 GMT+0200 2010 Table: Blantyre [27563050] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM $5/$10, Real money) User: i_never_f0ld Button: seat 7 Players in round: 5 Seat 8: i_never_f0ld ($1010) Seat 2: FoldFoldHold ($1569) Seat 4: Whoozz ($1010) Seat 6: L_Lauria ($1471) Seat 7: from Russia ($985) i_never_f0ld posts small blind ($5) FoldFoldHold posts big blind ($10) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to i_never_f0ld: [Qs, Qd] Whoozz raises $30 to $30 L_Lauria folds from Russia folds i_never_f0ld raises $95 to $100 FoldFoldHold folds Whoozz calls $70 --- Dealing flop [9s, 4c, Js] i_never_f0ld bets $120 Whoozz calls $120 --- Dealing turn [Qc] i_never_f0ld checks Whoozz checks --- Dealing river [Qh] i_never_f0ld checks Whoozz bets $320 i_never_f0ld folds --- Summary: Main pot: $450 won by Whoozz ($447) Seat 8: i_never_f0ld ($790), net: -$220 Seat 2: FoldFoldHold ($1559), net: -$10 Seat 4: Whoozz ($1237), net: +$227 Seat 6: L_Lauria ($1471) Seat 7: from Russia ($985) ***** End of hand R5-27563050-919 *****
  13. fisika kai iparxei...stile mou pm gia perisoteres plirofories
  14. hmmmm tora proseksa to nick sou...an ekanes neo account stin pokerland gia na postareis sto thread mou einai kapos asteio
  15. den kataxorounte ola ta hands tis ongame online se kapies alles selides mporei na exo kai losses 20-30k kai se kapies alles 100k++ an amfis
  16. ty....kai omos nomizw iparxoun arketoi kyprioi kai elladites online highstakes cashgamers...elpizw na anakalipsoume merikous edo
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  18. br pano apo 100 buyins sta nl400 25k hands nl200 130k hands nl400 kai ta ypoloipa nl600 kai nl1k tables minimum 6 mexri kai 12 esi ti stakes pezeis ?
  19. pfff prospathisa na kanw thread gia graphs sh nl400+ play kai na sigrinoume stats kai winrate.kai tha ithela tin gnomi highstakes pextwn sh.iparxi tropos na svisoume entelos to thread na to kanw ap tin arxi alli mera ?
  20. proti fora postarw....kai opos fenete den ta katafera
  21. nl400+ sh cash game graphs
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