Μετάβαση σε περιεχόμενο
Pokerland Φόρουμ

mathew ace

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Όλες οι δημοσιεύσεις του/της mathew ace

  1. posa tha stoixisei i kataskevi tou basili?
  2. pws kataferes na xaseis 14k ?
  3. hahahahah....malaka !!... xthes efaga bad beat sto 5X5 sti mbala!!! LOOOOL.... Ekana sout en kinisi (ston aera i mbala,) epiase poly dinato, xtipise orizontio dokari kai apo ti dinami pou eixe i mbala, epistrefontas itan prowthimeni pasa ston epithetiko tis antipalis omadas- POU ITAN MONOS TOU - kai to fagame kai xasame to paixnidi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUTSAL IS RIGGED!!!!
  4. Kalispera.. Edw kai arketo kairo ana diastimata exw afti tin aporia kai distixws den mborw na vrw mia lysi.(Isws den epsaksa arketa alla edw einai pio efkolo lol) I Erwtisi mou einai:... Poio to katallilo bankroll gia average stakes $20-30, Only MTTs, Multitabling 4-6 tables/session, Max 2 sessions/day , ??? Episis, apoti antilambanomai paizei rolo stin apantisi kai to field twn atomwn..Poia i eksiswsi?..poia i stathera gia to field?..To psaxnw sto net na vrw kana pinaka alla den vriskw tipota.. Filiko atomo me enimerwse oti giorgio + safesteps tha mboresoun na mou apantisoun..Opoios kserei parakalw opws me voithisei ek twn proterwn efxaristw.
  5. looser έγραψε: my man, an pas paizei na me pas kai mena?
  6. emmm..stavro, egw kai esy eimaste se afto to thread...leipei to periexomeno..lol
  7. 1. DASKALOS -->+11111110000 2.Pocket aces suited, pigaine www.pokerprolabs.com, grapse daskalos20, stin stars, kai koitakse prosektika se parakalw...afto san apantisi sto oti einai xamenos. 3.To post itan lol..epiko. 4. Hand converter please
  8. Afto to event pokerland-pokerstars tha eprepe na einai giorti gia to elliniko poker- KAI EINAI, parola afta merikoi den katalavainoun tin simasia aftou , se pollous apo mas pou asxoloumaste sxetika arketo kairo, kai einai megalo thema afti i sinevresi pokerland-stars....tous endiaferei na vrisoun ton kosmo/..signwmi dld...ekeino to paidi ton skaki, pou irthe 2os, to rimaksane to palikari...mbika na dw, meta apo wra ti ginetai sto tour, kai ti na dw: mia klika na vrizei kai na koroidevei to palikari ...kai to paidi na mi leei tipota na prospathei na peksei to game tou/.....ELEOS
  9. den nomizw na ftaine oi valedes pou den mbikes sta lefta.... lol..(joke), Oi perissoteroi apo aftous tous donks, pou vrizane sto final table klp, einai 20xrona ilithia flwrakia-donkakia, ta opoia den exoun zwi para aftin tin asfaleia kai magkia pou tous prosferei i krypswna pou onomazetai pc-network.. kai opws lew panda : D** D**** D**......(oi filoi kseroun)
  10. LOL. nice call sir...donks do get rewarded....
  11. Yparxei tour apo katw apo mas pou onomazetai FOTARAS-MENIDI..................................... lol
  12. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  13. FILE pigaine private tours panw stin mbara re..!! kai tha to vreis!!!! Tourney--->Private-->DONKS TOUR POKERLAND
  14. mathew ace

    Donk Tour POKERLAND

    ANDE REEEEEE Exoume kanei prive tour stin stars $5 na gelasoume!!!!.... onoma : DONKS TOUR POKERLAND code: 123456 mesa idi egw foustoukis kai looser . ELATE GIA ALL IN!!... Se 30lepta arxizoume !!! MBEITE REREEE
  15. mathew ace

    mathew ace

    foustouki...afta tha trws apopse..
  16. mathew ace

    η πιο αστεία φάτσα ever

    ahahahaahahahahahahaa hahahahahahahhahaahha hahahahahahahaahhahaa
  17. mathew ace

    mathew ace

    ena apo ta simantikotera hands- psixologika toulaxiston- alla kai wraio hand -thewrw- tou tour mou xthes : {pokerhandreplays}1408934{/pokerhandreplays} stous 24 prepei na egine afto to hand apotithymamai
  19. se periptwsi pou thes private ring game , mallon to zitas kai an einai efikto sto prosferoun.
  20. ela stavro. : email stin stars oti thes na kaneis afto to pragma...Private Tournament feature enabled. mono tours nomizw
  21. ok..swstos. erwtisi: esy proswpika , san antonis, to hand , tha to exanes ap ton blom i oxi?...genika..eite pre- eite post flop.. tha sto epairne to pot?
  22. mathew ace

    mathew ace

    LOL, ksana thanks. peritto na sou pw oti otan eida to name jinou pou ekame to post isopedwthika pou to gelio... Oson afora to apopsino , makari na vrethoume ...stoxos mou na sou show tin 4-bet bluff .,.haha.. Ma apoti eida eisastan sto idio table se kapoia fasi sto proigoumeno..ti egine then?.. Apopse stoxos gia mena na peksw pot me ton foustouki, jie na ton valw all in jie na eimai pisw jie na kamw suckout. PRWTOS OMWS KAI MONADIKOS STOXOS Na na mboume all in mazi, na se exw kai na mou kameis esy suckout gia na exw na lalw . LOL.
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