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Pokerland Φόρουμ

mathew ace

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Όλες οι δημοσιεύσεις του/της mathew ace

  1. To ena Ήταν το 8R όπου χάσαμε στην 7ι θέση αφού το καθοριστικό φλιπ δεν ήταν υπέρ μας....Το άλλο ήταν σαττ για το Παγκύπριο Τουρ που διοργανώνουν οι μανιακς !.... Ευχαριστώ για την στήριξη !
  2. peite sigxaritiria kai siwpi re.. Opws thelei tha to onomasei to cash tou anthrwpos. Diko tou einai , eseis ti zori travate? Congrats Drama , Idolls, Varymetallos . GG
  3. , no need to flat Turn sto #1 hand, shove it there. Pali call tha ekane so bad beat. Hand #2 protimw megalytero raise flop vasi tou pot alla kai pali den efevge epomenws bad beat. Apopsi mou to thread egine gia na mas deikseis ta bad beat sou.
  4. mathew ace

    Afksisi Deposit Limit PokerStars-Bank Dep

    Kalispera. 2 Erwtiseis thelw na kanw 1. Ti xreiazetai na kanw gia na afksisw to deposit limit mou se $3000+ stin PokerStars apo twra pou einai 600-700 ??? H apantisi pou edwsan apo to support einai oti prepei prwta na kanw deposit me to maximum tou present dep limit kai meta na ksanakanw request. Se periptwsi pou ginei afto, to Neo limit poio tha einai ?..plz help 2. Exw Logariasmo stin Emporiki. Mexri twra opoio transaction ekana to ekana me Visa omws kai den exw idea ti diadikasia prepei na kanw gia na kanw Deposit apo logariasmo trapezas stin Pokerstars. Again plz Help opoios gnwrizei. Ty all.
  5. ellinares Poker.gr Best Support in the Universe Imo.
  6. akrivws to idio hand eixa egw stous teleftaious 50 tou Kyriakatikou 11R, idio hand, idia blinds(obv pio megala stakks) kai idia positions. Xaraktiristika taftoxrona o bits10 itan sta 2 tables tou 50R kai milousame,...kai ton lew , mathew: "re mlk, JJ exw , ,,pffff..ti les?..32bb...gogo?" bits10: " ola " mathew: "weeee" PS: H epeksigisi gia na min petaxtei to peponi kai pei oti tou klepsa tin ataka.
  7. ola sti mouri preflop.
  8. lol
  9. ok thnx vrethike atomo.
  10. mathew ace

    Poker.GR me Pokerstars $$ SOS.

    Xairete. Epithimw ean yparxei endiaferomenos antallagi $400-$500 na staloun se emena stin Stars kai antistoixa egw na steilw stin Poker.gr. Pm me sas parakalw , Distixws gia taftoxrona verification issues se Bookers kai Netteller alla kai Gr exoun stakkarei ta $$ ekei lol !... Pm plz, tha eimai evgnwmwn.
  11. endiaferon i sinentefksi. Idiaitera to simeio pou anefere oti epaize se internet cafe me Idolls kai Timoro !!
  12. congrats ston Kyrio Velouxiwti obv !!
  13. Eisai wraios k.Avgouste. Ta sevi mou. Imo prepei na exeis diko sou Rail-Blog-Thread stin Pokerland.gr kai na eisai Moderator. Kai milaw sovara .
  14. Prwta iremise psixologika, me ena break. Sti sinexeia arxise xalara me mikrokatatheseis, kai akolouthise ta idia vimata me ta opoia ektises to proigoumeno roll sou. Pleon pio embeiros obv, kai kalyteros pektis logika tha to ksanaktiseis se pio ligo xroniko diastima apo ti ekanes na ktiseis to palio, afou o paragontas "skill" estw kai apeiroelaxisto einai anevasmenos. GL.
  15. ekane multitabling to akyrwse o simakos.
  16. klaiw.
  17. 1.raise pre. 2. as played obv call.
  18. e ta tickets?
  19. apo ta polla tetoia pou exeis pei esy , se ligo tha gineis i Britney Spears. Ksepatwmeno Peponi.
  20. Obv mikro to bet flop. Me Normal bet flop pithanotata na min eixes aftin tin apofasi.Megalytero pot flop, pithanotata meion ena antipalo, =>eite (a)bet/call shove - (b)shove ,,sto turn. As played i probably fold river..
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZboTX-4F6o
  22. O laos milise. Anwteros xaraktirismos to "kotopoulaki".
  23. TOREADOR έγραψε: table domination leei αχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχα table kasspavation probably @mathew re aytos runs better ki apo superusers ,wtf[/quote:5opurm7c] ama deis meta ti ekane..... PS: Kala azar nice pic.Apeira like
  24. Valto sto blog sou re.
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