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Pokerland Φόρουμ


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Όλες οι δημοσιεύσεις του/της liondani

  1. Brochet έγραψε: +1000 1)αν γραφτείς μέσω affiliate site 30% Rakeback (raketherake.com κτλ.) 2)Κάλο bonus εγγραφεις και κάθε μήνα bonus κατάθεσεις 3)Για καθε $25 καταθεση έναν κλήρο για Porsche (τέλος Απριλίου κλήρωση ΠΟΤΕ ΔΕΝ ΞΕΡΕΙΣ) 4)αμέτρητα fish 5)Φοβερά γραφικά και περιβάλλον 6)Για το bankroll σου τέλειο (και όταν το ανεβάσεις ξαναβλέπεις...) 7)Καλό συστημα ανταπόδωσεις, δεν χάνεις το status και να μην παίζεις ένα διάστημα 8)Κάθε πρώτη Κυριακή του μήνα τουρνουά με added prizes αναλόγως status (bronze, silver, gold κτλ.) Στα μείον α)Multitabling β)Συμμετοχη στα μεγάλα stakes (δεν σε ενδιαφέρει βάση bankroll) γ)είναι RIGGED ... ΑΣΤΕΙΕΥΟΜΑΙ
  2. GG all
  3. Η απληστία θα μας φάει...
  4. Nickakis! έγραψε: GG TOMAS... Πως και δεν κάνατε DEAL με αυτά τα blind? ή κάνατε και δεν ανακοινώθηκε εδώ?
  5. Πάμε για την πρώτη θέση Τόμας !!! Ξέρεις τον τρόπο !!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  6. ή η ενημέρωση είναι υπερβολικά αργή ή εγώ υπερβολικά ανυπόμονος τουλάχιστον θα δούμε video από Final Table?
  7. Nickakis! έγραψε: ΟΛΑ ΤΑ ΛΕΦΤΑ !!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: ΤΡΕΛΑΝΕΕΕ ΜΑΣΣ ΡΕΕΕΕ !!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
  8. Παραμιλάει η ελληνικη blogoσφαιρα στο διαδικτυο http://liondani.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post_2669.html
  9. HULK έγραψε: GOGOGO tomas feed the shark !!! :laugh:[/quote:33hk3nps] Αυτός ο κσρχαρίας βλέπω να γίνεται τεράστιος και άντε να τον κουβαλάς :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
  10. baskont έγραψε: Χρόνια πολλά αδερφέ ό,τι επιθυμείς. Υγείο πρώτα και το λιγότερο ένα Final Table σήμερα Το αξίζεις αδερφέ μου και πολλά περισσότερα!
  11. ** Αυτό το θέμα ασχολείται με το άρθρο: Greek Series of Poker Event #10: Στην τελική ευθεία 35 παίκτες. ** Χρόνια πολλά αδερφέ ό,τι επιθυμείς. Υγείο πρώτα και το λιγότερο ένα Final Table σήμερα... Το αξίζεις αδερφέ μου!
  12. liondani


    peris31 έγραψε: [/quote:3nxvbahk]Και εγώ προτείνω με χίλια τα 4αρια. Πολύ μεγαλύτερο κέρδος (value) με μεγαλύτερα swings βέβαια αλλά σου τρώνε λιγότερο RAKE.Προσωπικά πιστεύω ότι 100 buy-in είναι πολύ καλά και στα μονά HU 60 με 70 buy-in. ROI 36% σε HU θεωρείται υψηλό μακάρι να το διατηρήσεις
  13. AΝΑΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΗ από http://www.pocketfives.com/jennifear/ba ... ategy-for-]http://www.pocketfives.com/jennifear/bankroll-management-and-cahout-strategy-for-sng-mtt-sng-mtt-players-3682554 I've been approached several times about how to manage a bankroll, and when to cash out. I'm going to address this question very heavily in this post. The following guidelines will assure with a high confidence level that you never go broke if you are +ROI in the games you are playing, and you exercise good game selection. Proper Bankroll Management Minimums: $65 - $1.10 STTs $90 - $1.10 18-man $130 - $1.10 45-man, $2.20 STTs $210 - $5.25 HU $215 - $3.30 STTs $270 - $6.25 HU $416 - $3.25 45-man $420 - $10.50 HU $422 - $6.50 STTs $440 - $2.20 MTTs, 180-man $495 - $3.30 90-man $585 - $6.50 18-man $715 - $11 STTs $780 - $12 STTs $820 - $21 HU $832 - $6.50 45-man $880 - $4.40 MTT, $4.40 180-man $990 - $11 18-man $1040 - $16 STTs $1080 - $12 18-man $1100 - $5.50 MTTs $1300 - $6.50 MTTs, $12 27-man $1430 - $22 STTs $1440 - $16 18-man $1530 - $12 45-man $1650 - $11 90-man $1755 - $27 STTs $1760 - $8.80 MTTs $1980 - $22 18-man $2100 - $52.50 HU $2145 - $33 STTs $2400 - $11 MTTs $2470 - $38 STTs $2600 - $12 MTTs, $12 180-man $2970 - $33 18-man $3300 - $16.50 MTTs $3420 - $38 18-man $3450 - $27 45-man $3570 - $55 STTs $3900 - $60 STTs, $26 90-man $4200 - $22 MTTs, $22 180-man $4250 - $105 HU $4860 - $38 45-man $4950 - $55 18-man $5400 - $60 18-man, $27 MTTs $6600 - $33 MTTs $7660 - $60 45-man $7800 - $39 MTTs $8250 - $55 90-man $8500 - $210 HU $11000 - $55 MTTs $12000 - $60 MTTs Clarifications: - For Double or Nothing SNGs, use the HU guidelines. - For MTTs with less than 150 players, use the 90-man guidelines. - If your favorite game is not found on here, simply multiply the buyin by 40 for HU, 50 for FTP's Matrix SNGs, 65 for STTs, 90 for 18-20 man, 108 for 27-man, 128 for 45-man, 150 for 90-man, or 200 for 180-man or MTTs and add it to the list! - I will be crossposting this on my blog here so if you ever want to reference this, that's the easiest place to find it! - These buyin recommendations are very conservative and are intended to ensure that you make consistant money while your risk of ruin is extremely minimal. It is made for professional players who cannot afford to replenish their bankroll. Recreational players may feel free to cut these recommendations in half. - Satellites for must-play tournaments should only be played if you have enough in your bankroll for the target tournament, and you have an edge in that target event. - If you are feeling good, don't play too far away from your highest allowable game. For instance, if your bankroll allows you to play $22 SNGs and you are playing $11 SNGs, you are not allowing yourself to make enough money. Cashout strategy: Pay yourself according to volume. Remove the following from your bankroll every time you play these games: HU: 2% of your buyin STTs: 3% of your buyin 18-man: 4% of your buyin 45-man: 5% of your buyin 90-man: 6% of your buyin 180-man/MTT: 8% of your buyin Also remove all Rakeback/Bonuses earned When your total cashouts reach the site's minimum cashout requirements, then cash out as soon as you can. Clarifications: - If you are a high buyin player, you may be playing a SNG where you are only expected to attain a very small ROI. In that case, divide your expected long-term ROI by 2 and cash out that much per game. For instance, if you are a $320 STT player who expects to make 2% ROI, cash out 1% ($3.30) per game played. That sounds small, but most of your income is coming from rakeback/bonuses anyway. Taking shots (optional): Then allow yourself 1/4 of your cashout money for entertainment. Your shot can be your entertainment. For instance, if you are a $5 player who would like to take a shot at a $50 game, then save up $200 in cashouts, and then withdraw $150. use the other $50 for your game. Obviously this is not optimal, but some people will explode their bankrolls at some point if they never get a chance to chase their dreams! Just one rule: - If you take a shot and win, cash out at least 75% of your winnings RIGHT AWAY. Don't try to use the shot to pad your bankroll. The bankroll management plan is already designed to keep you where you are going to make the most money per hour. When used together, over time, the Bankroll Management and Cashout Strategy will: - Keep you playing at or near your optimal level. You won't have to decide what games to play. The system will do it for you. - Ensure that you are beating the games at a high enough ROI to continue to play them. For instance if you maintain a 3% ROI at the $27 18-mans, although you are winning, you will be cashing out too much money (4%) to stay at that level, and the system will drop you back to the $16 level, where you will make more money per game. - Keep you from facing high % fluctuations in your bankroll so your mindset is good. - Give you a way to cash out that ensures small, frequent cashouts no matter what your results are. - Allow you to plan. Your income will be easily predicatable. For instance, if you are going to play 100 $27 18-mans today, you know you will cash out exactly $108, no matter how you do. - Encourage you to increase your volume. - Give you the opportunity to take an occasional shot at a bigger event and chase your dreams. I really hope this helps someone. Jen Εχω κάνει bold το σημείο που αναφέρει τα 180 SNG και πάνω που θεωρεί απαραίτητα τα 200 buy-in, οπότε για πολύ μεγαλύτερο field από 180 άτομα, όντως, τα 300 buy-in που ανέφερε και ο giorgio φαντάζουν μάλλον ιδανικά.Μου άρεσε αρκετά στο παραπάνω άρθρο ο τρόπος του cash out επίσης, ώστε να σταθεροποιήσε τελικά στα buy-in που πάνω κάτω έχεις το μεγαλύτερο ROI...
  14. luckys έγραψε: "If your favorite game is not found on here, simply multiply the buyin by 40 for HU, 50 for FTP's Matrix SNGs, 65 for STTs, 90 for 18-20 man, 108 for 27-man, 128 for 45-man, 150 for 90-man, or 200 for 180-man or MTTs and add it to the list!" 200 φορες το buy in σου είναι μια χαρά για οποιοδήποτε field από 180 άτομα και πάνω... Κάντο 300 αν σου φαίνεται "ριψοκίνδυνο" και καθάρισες κατά την γνώμη μου...
  15. AΝΑΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΗ από http://www.pocketfives.com/jennifear/bankroll-management-and-cahout-strategy-for-sng-mtt-sng-mtt-players-3682554 I've been approached several times about how to manage a bankroll, and when to cash out. I'm going to address this question very heavily in this post. The following guidelines will assure with a high confidence level that you never go broke if you are +ROI in the games you are playing, and you exercise good game selection. Proper Bankroll Management Minimums: $65 - $1.10 STTs $90 - $1.10 18-man $130 - $1.10 45-man, $2.20 STTs $210 - $5.25 HU $215 - $3.30 STTs $270 - $6.25 HU $416 - $3.25 45-man $420 - $10.50 HU $422 - $6.50 STTs $440 - $2.20 MTTs, 180-man $495 - $3.30 90-man $585 - $6.50 18-man $715 - $11 STTs $780 - $12 STTs $820 - $21 HU $832 - $6.50 45-man $880 - $4.40 MTT, $4.40 180-man $990 - $11 18-man $1040 - $16 STTs $1080 - $12 18-man $1100 - $5.50 MTTs $1300 - $6.50 MTTs, $12 27-man $1430 - $22 STTs $1440 - $16 18-man $1530 - $12 45-man $1650 - $11 90-man $1755 - $27 STTs $1760 - $8.80 MTTs $1980 - $22 18-man $2100 - $52.50 HU $2145 - $33 STTs $2400 - $11 MTTs $2470 - $38 STTs $2600 - $12 MTTs, $12 180-man $2970 - $33 18-man $3300 - $16.50 MTTs $3420 - $38 18-man $3450 - $27 45-man $3570 - $55 STTs $3900 - $60 STTs, $26 90-man $4200 - $22 MTTs, $22 180-man $4250 - $105 HU $4860 - $38 45-man $4950 - $55 18-man $5400 - $60 18-man, $27 MTTs $6600 - $33 MTTs $7660 - $60 45-man $7800 - $39 MTTs $8250 - $55 90-man $8500 - $210 HU $11000 - $55 MTTs $12000 - $60 MTTs Clarifications: - For Double or Nothing SNGs, use the HU guidelines. - For MTTs with less than 150 players, use the 90-man guidelines. - If your favorite game is not found on here, simply multiply the buyin by 40 for HU, 50 for FTP's Matrix SNGs, 65 for STTs, 90 for 18-20 man, 108 for 27-man, 128 for 45-man, 150 for 90-man, or 200 for 180-man or MTTs and add it to the list! - I will be crossposting this on my blog here so if you ever want to reference this, that's the easiest place to find it! - These buyin recommendations are very conservative and are intended to ensure that you make consistant money while your risk of ruin is extremely minimal. It is made for professional players who cannot afford to replenish their bankroll. Recreational players may feel free to cut these recommendations in half. - Satellites for must-play tournaments should only be played if you have enough in your bankroll for the target tournament, and you have an edge in that target event. - If you are feeling good, don't play too far away from your highest allowable game. For instance, if your bankroll allows you to play $22 SNGs and you are playing $11 SNGs, you are not allowing yourself to make enough money. Cashout strategy: Pay yourself according to volume. Remove the following from your bankroll every time you play these games: HU: 2% of your buyin STTs: 3% of your buyin 18-man: 4% of your buyin 45-man: 5% of your buyin 90-man: 6% of your buyin 180-man/MTT: 8% of your buyin Also remove all Rakeback/Bonuses earned When your total cashouts reach the site's minimum cashout requirements, then cash out as soon as you can. Clarifications: - If you are a high buyin player, you may be playing a SNG where you are only expected to attain a very small ROI. In that case, divide your expected long-term ROI by 2 and cash out that much per game. For instance, if you are a $320 STT player who expects to make 2% ROI, cash out 1% ($3.30) per game played. That sounds small, but most of your income is coming from rakeback/bonuses anyway. Taking shots (optional): Then allow yourself 1/4 of your cashout money for entertainment. Your shot can be your entertainment. For instance, if you are a $5 player who would like to take a shot at a $50 game, then save up $200 in cashouts, and then withdraw $150. use the other $50 for your game. Obviously this is not optimal, but some people will explode their bankrolls at some point if they never get a chance to chase their dreams! Just one rule: - If you take a shot and win, cash out at least 75% of your winnings RIGHT AWAY. Don't try to use the shot to pad your bankroll. The bankroll management plan is already designed to keep you where you are going to make the most money per hour. When used together, over time, the Bankroll Management and Cashout Strategy will: - Keep you playing at or near your optimal level. You won't have to decide what games to play. The system will do it for you. - Ensure that you are beating the games at a high enough ROI to continue to play them. For instance if you maintain a 3% ROI at the $27 18-mans, although you are winning, you will be cashing out too much money (4%) to stay at that level, and the system will drop you back to the $16 level, where you will make more money per game. - Keep you from facing high % fluctuations in your bankroll so your mindset is good. - Give you a way to cash out that ensures small, frequent cashouts no matter what your results are. - Allow you to plan. Your income will be easily predicatable. For instance, if you are going to play 100 $27 18-mans today, you know you will cash out exactly $108, no matter how you do. - Encourage you to increase your volume. - Give you the opportunity to take an occasional shot at a bigger event and chase your dreams. I really hope this helps someone. Jen
  16. Ριξτε μια ματιά στην φόρμουλα που χρησιμοποιεί το pocketfives Λαμβάνει υπόψιν το prizepool την θέση τερματισμού και τον ΧΡΟΝΟ (μετά από έναν χρόνο οι πόντοι του εκάστοτε τουρνουά φτάνουν τελικά στο 25% της αρχικής αξίας (σταδιακά όμως) δινουν έμφαση στα ποιο πρόσφατα τουρνουα που είναι και το σωστό. Ριξτε μια ματιά.... http://www.pocketfives.com/leaderboard-formula-faq
  17. Να το "βιντεοσκοπήσει" κάποιος να το δούμε σε μαγνητοσκόπηση όσοι δουλεύουμε σήμερα! Ευχαριστώ εκ των προτέρων.
  18. Δεν είναι και ότι ποιο εύκολο να την βγάλεις καθαρή με το μισό τραπέζι γεμάτο με donks
  19. fileasfog έγραψε: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
  20. ** Αυτό το θέμα ασχολείται με το άρθρο: Η Cigital πιστοποιεί την αξιοπιστία του γεννήτορα τυχαίων αριθμών του PokerStars ** Ποια άλλα room έχουν αντίστοιχες πιστοποιήσεις? Γνωρίζει κανείς?
  21. Nickakis! έγραψε: Nice play... Κρίμα να πέσεις στους Άσσους... μάλλον κρίμα που σου έκατσε τέτοιο ,φαινομενικά, θαυμάσιο flop :S
  22. alienhack έγραψε: Και αφησε και καποιους fpps αχρησιμοποιητους προς το τελος ωστε να αγορασεις το 4Κ μπονους στο January sale με εκπτωση 25%. Οταν και αν καποιος βρει την "πραγματικη αξια" του πακετου supernova ας το ποσταρει να το εχουν ως σημειο αναφορας οσοι ενδιαφερονται.[/quote:1e9l89ru] +1000
  23. d4ffyd3ck έγραψε: +1000
  24. ** Αυτό το θέμα ασχολείται με το άρθρο: 'O daskalos' συνεχίζει να εκπλήσσει, ο 'crf88' 'ξαναχτυπά', Σκιαδάς και 'Fwteinh14' ακολουθούν ** "Για το τέλος αφήσαμε μία μικρότερη online επιτυχία που ήρθε από την Ελληνίδα με το nickname "fwteinh14"" ΕΛΕΟΣ ρε παιδιά δεν μετράνε μόνο τα λεφτά ... field 7500 άτομα !!! Δηλ αν παίξω και κερδίσω ένα Heads Up me buy-in $15.000 θα ξεπέρασω τις παραπάνω επιτυχίες?
  25. Εγώ θα πέταγα όλες τις μάρκες, στους συμπατριώτες μου :laugh:
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