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Pokerland Φόρουμ


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Όλες οι δημοσιεύσεις του/της bits10

  1. crf88 έγραψε: c/c turn kai c and re-evaluate based on size?
  2. poly poly eukolo call
  3. a!kai well done foivo gia xthes!!alla esy eisai asxetos to ip kanei oli ti douleia opote de sou lew congrats!
  4. well done maki!Keep it up! eprepe na pareis to 1000ari tha tan to pio epic pou tha xe ginei,3 wres me stack
  5. ola mesa n anoixoume ta fylla mas na doume ti exoume
  6. gia poio logo kaneis call pre? apanta tin erwtisi ayti kai xereis ti na kaneis sto xeri
  7. adiavastos!voulgaros einai,o xatzi einai roumanos!
  8. gia na exigisw gt to lew. kanoume call pre gia na paixoume IP. anoigei kalo flop gia mas alla to action einai bet kai raise. ti symvainei edw... epi tis ousias xanoume to logo gia ton opoio mpikame sto pot. m ayto to action emeis eimaste sti mesi tou betting sa tis adikes katares. 1.ama kanoume call den exoume idea gia to pou vriskomaste kai eimaste ektethimenoi stis orexeis ti IR. -->an kanei raise o IR kai shove o raiser obv prepei na pasaroume kai exoume xasei 2.5k -->an kanei raise o IR kai call o allos pragma tromera apithano,depending on the size prepei na kanoume i call gia na xtipisoume amesa i fold. 2.an kanei call o MP1 paizoume me pot size stack exontas 2 na milisoun prin apo mas sto turn..opote i pithanotita na prepei na apofasisoume gia to tournoua mas me vasi to flop action einai terastia. 3.an kanume shove paizoume sta tyfla gia olo mas to stack 4.epomenws o monos dromos einai to fold gt poly apla to xeri ayto de mporei na paixtei alliws.
  9. lol @not folding. ez f imo
  10. polisca mi prospatheis na kryfteis,einai olofanero to sprwximo sou pros allous paiktes kai i uponomeysi tou s-paixti!lol. glgl sta paidia
  11. bits10

    poker ston ant1

    xaNtzara.ni taf zita:)
  12. eyxaristithika poly ti synantisi mas kai xairomai pou aisthaneste oti pirate pragmata apo ayti. elpizw pragmatika na apodeixtei voithitiki. elpizw na erthw xana na koitaxoume kai allwn ta HHs gia na yparxei megaluteri gkama sto sxoliasmo. gl se olous!
  13. bits10

    55r: flop spot with top two 3way

    PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 55 Tournament, 100/200 Blinds (9 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com Button (t7205) SB (t7120) BB (t6075) UTG (t2355) UTG+1 (t13895) MP1 (t16105) MP2 (t9870) MP3 (t7270) Hero (CO) (t11200) MP1 kalos ellinas paiktis pou ektimw to paixnidi tou kai exei yparxei poly active meta to addon alla exei ftasei kala se showdowns. MP2 no specific reads Hero's M: 37.33 Preflop: Hero is CO with K, J 2 folds, MP1 bets t455, MP2 calls t455, 1 fold, Hero calls t455, 3 folds Flop: (t1665) 6, K, J(3 players) MP1 bets t800, MP2 raises to t2200, Hero ??? ps den mou exei doulepsei pote to converter tou site,de xerw ti kanw lathos,kanw copy paste to HH kai pataw convert... ps2 den exw provlima me to preflop call mou an se kapoious de tairiazei gia mena toso deep einai standard,eidika me ton tight button opote kai paizw IP
  14. itan pou tha dyskolevosoun epeidi arxize 3 i wra!lol ps....einai kai kokkino...!
  15. lol koitaxa to HH kai lew whaaat o eatyourstac 2 dols....twra prosexa poso exei rixei ta stakes tou ton teleytaio kairo.kalos paiktis pantws
  16. iceberg to 3bet einai kalo ligaki mikro alla kalo,110k einai egklimatiko size,tha epanelthw se ligo gt kati kanw twra pou epeigei
  17. epigramatika i apopsi mou... o paragontas tyxi safws epireazei makroprothesa to POSO winning tha einai enas paiktis,oxi to AN tha einai winning i oxi ps exaireseis kwlofardies longshoties,alla edw ypothetw oti milame gia geniko kanona
  18. ti symvainei edw imo.. o MP1 anoigei light kai to ATo paizei poly kala apenanti sto range tou. episis unless he has a premium de mporei na callarei to shove sou me shortstack caller sti plati opote to shove sou einai +EV. o MP2 omws ap tin alli an einai ligo thinking krataei teras. odds gia set mining den exei AK/AQ einai standard shove genika telos pantwn de callarei me tipota para AA/KK me 12.5blinds. an einai asxetos kai callarei me pps einai stnd shove.exartatai loipon apo to image tou MP2..ta reads pou prepei na mas paratheseis loipon den einai tou kalou winning o opoios einai se asximo spot alla tou allou.
  19. raise less. snap it. ps den exei simasia to stack sou exoun simasia kai ta effectives
  20. +++sto crf. tha ithela na prosthesw sta must vivlia ena ligo pio monterno to kill everyone twn nelson streib kai heston(lol) pou exei ekteni commentaries apo ton elky...
  21. i mpala einai 7misi ayrio gt paizoume stou diaolou to patera dexia...opote mallon kati prepei na xanallaxeis!
  22. paraliatours έγραψε: obviously live poker-especially ept poker-is rigged
  23. crf88 έγραψε: empeirika kai gw symfwnw poly me to crf kai pistevw oti dyskola de tha se kanei induce se light 4bet me monster.
  24. pame pali.QJ den einai ekei fyllo gia raise sto 50/100. 2.yparxoun APEIRA floating hands to 2010 pou kanoun flat to flop me Ax kai perimenun na doun antidrasi sto turn. den einai as simple as Asxs i AQ etc...o kasspav kanontas check back sto turn deixnei oti exei showdown value kai de kanei float gt ama floatare tha pontare 9/10. epomenws i exei ntama i exei Ax opou x synithws rag. gia ton villain sto river to range tou einai konta sto 50-50 kai exei na apofasisei metaxy check/ez call(opws exei paei to xeri),bet/fold, i bet/cryyiiiiing call... OPOTE..protima na parei ti pio suntiritiki plevra kai na kanei se 2o street pot control kai check call.
  25. fold pre cbet flop check/call turn or bet fold.. as played fold river
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