"Small stakes hold'em games are notoriously loose.Some people think thet are too loose:"Nobody folds.It turns the game into a crapshot.It's like playing bingo"The implication is that your opponents' ultra-loose play can somehow prevent you from winning in the long run,just as if you were playing craps or bingo. This notion,of course is absurd.Loose small stakes games are potentially the most profitable limit hold'em games available(in terms of bets won per hour).SKILL IS AS IMPORTANT A FACTOR IN SMALL STAKES POKER AS IT IS IN HIGHER LIMITS.PEOPLE WHO EQUATE POKER TO CRAPS LOSE,NOT BECAUSE THE GAME IS UNBEATABLE,BUT BECAUSE THEY MAKE NUMEROUS MISTAKES." Από το Small Stakes Hold'em (Ed Miller, David Sklansky & Mason Malmuth). Στο προτείνω ως μία αρχή για να ξεκαθαρίσεις κάποια βασικά πράγματα στον τρόπο που σκέφτεσαι.