... r=12157664 Για όποιον βαριέται να διαβάσει όλο το thread(αν και το συνιστώ) μπορει να διαβασει το παρακάτω που είναι σε γενικές γραμμές τι πρέπει να κάνει κανείς για να κάνει exploit τους shortstackers Crushing Short Stacks - The Playbook. Against All Short Stacks * Be prepared for increased variance. * Remember effective stacks - Your stack is only as big as theirs. * Expect to play only preflop and flop. * Adjust calling range to stack size when calling pushes. Smaller stacks need less equity, larger need more. * Also consider any dead money. * Pot odds often give you equity to call even though you are behind their range. * Most players fold too much against short stacks. Short stacks make a lot of profit from this. * Don't be afraid of SS's using other big stacks to squeeze. The other big stack will usually get out of your way. * Turn their tactics against them. Push over their preflop raises. Call their raise and donk-push flop. Do this with ATC and QQ/KK/AA. A wide range in general. * Play very aggressively against them pre-flop. Steal their blinds at every opportunity. Raise their limps. Be prepared to call if they push flop. Don't raise if you're not going to call the push most of the time. Limp re-raise. 3bet them lightly. Don't let them see cheap flops. Make poker expensive. Make them play for stacks on YOUR terms. * If you are considering raising a hand like 76s and there is a SS in the hand, reconsider if you KNOW he's going to push a lot of flops. Limp or juice the pot with a small raise instead. * You do not HAVE to cbet against short stacks, even heads up. Take the free card. Let him bet then CRAI. Put him to the tough equity decision. Push instead of a normal sized cbet. Don't give him the opportunity to come over the top of you. Do this sometimes when you have a hand you want to felt too, so he can't put you on a range of hands and make him fold the better hand sometimes. Against Loose Short Stacks * Want to get stacks in ASAP. * Very wide range in all situations. * When they push over your preflop raise with 20BB, call with 33+/AJ+ or 55+/AJ+ if they're in the BB. * When they push over your preflop raise with 30BB, call with 99+/AQ+. * When they push flops you have equity to call with if you connected with the flop in any way as well as with good overcards. Against Tight (but bad) Short Stacks * Do not know how to use FE. * Will call preflop raises with low PP's and SC's without odds. Exploit this. * When they push over your preflop raise with 20BB, call with 55+/AK+ or JJ+/AK+ if they're in the BB. * When they push over your preflop raise with 30BB, call with JJ+/Ak+. * Pushes usually mean they have a hand (TP or better or big draw). Call flop pushes only with TPTK or better. Against Good Short Stacks * Will use FE to try and exploit you. * Capable of adjusting their game. Range may be as wide as loose SS or as tight as tight(bad) SS. * On average, when they push over your preflop raise with 20BB call with 22+/AQ+ or 44+/AQ+ if they're in the BB. * On average, when they push over your preflop raise with 30BB call with TT+/AQ+. * Adjust this if you think they are being more or less aggressive with their pushes. * Postflop their range will be similar to loose short stackers. You have equity to call with a very wide range. * If he limp/called preflop he often won't have much of a hand or he would have raised. * Always beware of good short stackers adjusting to your play. * Make them fear messing with you and establish that they don't have FE and can't steal from you. This will force them to back off and seek other targets. PS: hope all sortstackers loose they rolls