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Όλες οι δημοσιεύσεις του/της holdemgr
crf88 έγραψε: E de ftanei ta epipeda twn ellhnikwn poker forum se kammia periptwsh alla eimai klassikos xasomerhs Epeidh de diabasate (elpizw) tis apanthseis parathetw thn apanthsh ths Sofias (onoma kai prama) Sofia se xreiazomaste sto pland!!
aizack13 έγραψε: ps2: http://experts.pathfinder.gr/index.php? ... &topic=514
veteriarian έγραψε: Exoun ginei kai ta dyo afaik
foustouki έγραψε: Στο flop δηλαδη εννοεις bet και instafold σε single raise η μιλας για την προκειμενη περιπτωση οπου εχουμε 3bet?[/quote:yhinbm9e] E to nitty btn kanei 3bet se 3 atoma, me bet tou PFR (OOP vs 3 se small cards board deixnei dynamh), call kai raise. straight/set big draws den yparxoyn (exoume kai blockers sto 9T) OK dexomai th skepsh oti logw tou aggro MP raise mporei to btn na'xei ligo eyrytro range alla an to skefteis honestly einai nit, ti alla hands mporei na prosthesei sto range tou Ektos autou tha brethoume sta epomena (akriba) streets na paizoume OOP apenanti se 2 toulaxisto antipalous kai arketes fores drawing dead h me oriako equity an eimaste mprosta Parepimptontws kathe line call flop, c-c turn, c-f river einai kata kanona egklhmatiko
preflop: standard flop: bet-instafold
MannerBoy έγραψε: Lol akribws. E OK den antexeis oloklhro match, pio poly gia thn plaka to bazw merika lepta alla shmera ontws afierwnan gsbets έγραψε: Nai htan epic fail tou ITV-hd pou xasane to 1o goal ths Agglias sto Mundial. Eimai UK opote Sky HD (parepiptontws exoun kai poly fishy pokersite)
MannerBoy έγραψε: Hall of shame gia to sxolio extes pws kaneis paixtis tis Ispanias den tragoudaei ton Ethniko tous ymno..... (afou o ymnos tous den exei logia , doh!) Ola ta lefta meta to sout tou Gkeka pou bgainei antepithesi i Nigiria kai o megas speaker "feugoun epikindina stin kontra oi Nigirianoi o Theos na mas boithisei..." Den leei poly na plirwnoume gia tetoia pragmata , alla entaxei NET eisai..[/quote:oeskc8sw] Pou na akouges kai thn perigrafh tou BBC. Tha itheles na skiseis thn ellhnikh sou taytothta Egw pantws bazw eikona apo to BBC/ITV pou einai HD (brag hehe) kai fwnh apo Ellhnikh thleorash (mesw laptop)
teskuano έγραψε: Swsto. Kai twra: Lock the thread! Prin gemisei o John 10 selides gia to pws ekane periousia sto ...blackjack, pws afou diabase polla biblia kerdizei decent lefta paizontas ABC, pws megaloi paiktes ton exoun diabebaiwsei oti einai sto swsto dromo, pws emeis oi alloi pou grafoume sta forum den exoume idea ti leme, eimaste axaristoi pou de dexomaste tis symboules tou pou den einai dikes tou alla kapoiwn terastiwn paiktwn pou milhse sto thlefwno, ...
Leme aorista oti mporei na bloffarei alla poia hands mporei na exei pou bloffaroun ekei? Analysh enos hand de mporei na ginei xwris ranges.
Ψυχολογική Πτυχή του poker-Αντιμετώπιση
topic απάντησε holdemgr's mathew ace σε Διάφορα Θέματα Στρατηγικής
Osoi katw twn 25 don't read any further: SOUSAM έγραψε: Eisai o pio kalotyxos anthrwpos ston kosmo. Skepsou an to poker exei na sou prosferei kati parapanw. Think. (Mikrh paysh gia group hug ....) -
Ψυχολογική Πτυχή του poker-Αντιμετώπιση
topic απάντησε holdemgr's mathew ace σε Διάφορα Θέματα Στρατηγικής
Otan ksekinas na paizeis einai APARAITHTO na eisai ethismenos me to paixnidi, na parathseis ta egkosmia kai na paizeis synexeia alla KAI na skeftesai synexeia px otan eisai me mia kopela einai standard na skeftesai pws mporeis na kaneis balance to c-r range sou apenanti sto reg pou kanei cbet 77% flops (nai akoma kai otan g.m.s thn en logw kopela) Otan ftaseis na eisai ikanopoihmenos me to paixnidi sou kai thn empeiria pou exeis tote (ypothetw) erxetai h fash ths pokerikhs aytognwsias. Ekei den yparxoun "adrenalines", tilt, pathos, egwismos, agwnia, dynata synaisthimata blah blah. Apla h gnwsh tou ti na kaneis sthn kathe stigmh kai h (apo)monwsh tou eaytou sou apo kathe ekswteriko arnhtiko paragonta H fash auth bebaia gia ton perissotero kosmo den erxetai pote opws einai logiko. PROSOXH h fash auth de shmainei aparaithta oti paizeis teleia. Kapws perissotera grafw sta teleytaia blog entries mou An eisai 20kati omologw oti einai merika ektomyria fores pio dyskolo na ftaseis s'ayth th fash. Kai mou fainetai afysiko na ta kataferei kapoios s'ayth thn hlikia. H isorropia s'ayth thn hlikia einai na kaneis ta panta oso pio entona ginetai: poker, sex, socialising, drink, drugs, spoudes w/e kai opoios meinei orthios kerdizei -
Ως γνωστό μόνο τα fish και οι κορυφαίοι παίκτες εμπιστεύονται τη «διαίσθηση» τους. Αν δεν είσαι τίποτα απ'τα 2 τότε δεν υπάρχει ζήτημα.
Gamer0044 έγραψε: Eixa thn entypwsh oti den yparxei kanena action pleon sto FLHE. Kanw lathos? @fileas to oti einai dyskolo paixnidi, einai thetiko oxi arnhtiko. Alloiws genika tha paizame biriba.
SWEDENFISH έγραψε: Dhladh ennoeis oti einai apath?
loster88 έγραψε: Dhladh psaxneis gia kapoio site pou na mhn exei bad beats kai oi antipaloi na mhn exoun fylla. Oloi mas to idio psaxnoume
D.uK.e έγραψε: Akribws gi auto milousa. Ekanes cbet, ekane raise opws ton "diabases", twra kane apla call. To range tou einai terastio basei twn reads sou - egw tha prostheta oti einai arketa polarised (set/air), de xreiazetai na fobasai toso poly ta "scary cards" kai an mh ti allo exeis thesh pou sou dinei terastio pleonekthma sto hand. Otan kaneis 3-bet diwxneis olo auto to air (pou tha mporouse na synexisei na bloffarei) kai pleon megalwneis to pot kai anoigeis thn eykairia na kaneis lathos. An pote ekana 3-bet sto flop tha itan giati eixa kapoio read oti to range tou einai ligotero polarised px periexei kai pio metria hands pou "theloun na doun pou einai" opws 99-JJ/isws 8x/ kapoia weak flush draws klp. Kai panta me thn prothesh na paiksw for stacks se pithano 4bet EDIT: oops sry de diabasa tis alles apanthseis, ap'oti fainetai hdh exei apantithei
To 3bet pou kaneis sto flop den exei kammia logikh kai me bash ta reads pou dineis gia ton paikth
kasspav έγραψε: [/quote:3qxyvzgl]
Vatal!! Paizeis ... donkaments ?? Thee mou ti ntroph ...
alienhack έγραψε: FYP