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Hello Lucas,

We understand how you might feel leery about providing your card's information to deposit in our site, however rest assured that PokerStars will protect your personal and financial data using state of the art security architecture.

Your purchases will be encrypted using an Internet standard known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL3), a protocol based on a very large encryption key - large enough that your bank information will expire long before someone could break the encryption and discover your information.

For information, please visit:


For further deposit related assistance, please reply to this email or send us one to dad@pokerstars.com, we can also contact you via chat or phone at any time.

Thank you for choosing PokerStars.


δε μπορω να ακουω βλακειες απο ατομα που δεν ξερουν.χρησιμοποιω χρονια πιστωτικες ονλινε ποτε δεν εχει παιξει προβλημα.η μονη φαση ειναι καποιος να παρακολουθει συγκεκριμενα το pc σου και να παρει τα στοιχεια αλλα αυτο ειναι τρελα long shot και θελει μια διαδικασια που ελαχιστοι ξερουν να ακολουθουν.

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