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Pokerland Φόρουμ

Private SITNGO stin STARS simera 26/03 stis 21:15

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Xthes perasame wraia kai leme na to epanalavoume.

Oi 3 prwtoi simeiwthikan , Alienhack, foustouki, metafysico se field 10 atomwn xthes, kai tha simeiwnontai kai gia ta epomena tours, gia na vgei o nikitis :)..

Simera neo touraki ,

Buy in : $20

Tournament name : POKERLAND FORUM SNG

pass : 123456

To exw idi kanei to tour einai sta Private tis Stars.

PS: gia prop bets msg me :):):):) . Live updates kai fotos apo to tour tha metaferw egw kai opoios allos thelei kathws episis kai fwtografiko yliko.. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • Απαντήσεις 80
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bits epeidi me rwtises xthes, eixa AA se late stages kai settara sto flop. den thymamai stacks klp , mbikame all in sto flop (ekane call sto all in mou ), Board A-3-2.. eixe J-10...K turn , Q river. kai mou leei sto chat o pakistanos : pakistan rulez !! fk u greece and your AA.....

Profanws katalavaineis giati efaga chat bann :)


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