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:Jd :Jd :Jd olga έγραψε:

live tourney.... final table 4 atoma

exo 66

flop 763

raise apo mena, resta allos...... me q7 off:sick:

turn 3

river 7:sick::angry:

mou emenan omos chips kai teliosa deuteri.....

xeirotero bad beat pou eixa pote....

ta xeirotera bad beat ta exw egw den moy ta pairnei oyte o holdemgr oyte o goingup oyte o alexgeo oyte esy olga kai nomizw oti exw to rekor pagkosmiws.

exasa se pot-limit omaha me AAAA apo to flop

kai exasa kai me straight flush se texas holdem nl eixa big blid kai :7d :8d sto xeri flop :9d :Td :6d kapoios sto flop kanei bet 15000 htan se toyrnoya sto pokerstars

kai egw ta kanw 75000 kai moy leei resta me :Kd :Ad

turn :Qd river:Jd

aporw pws den epatha emfragma :ohmy:


olga έγραψε:

den exw ksana dei tetio xeri pote....

pos to kataferes? :woohoo: .....

asxeta me ayto egw eyxaristhfhka para poly........

LIVE poker einai to kati allo!!! B) B) B)

ela nte se ayta ta bad-beat eimai manoyla

eytyxws den htan se cash games htan se toyrnoya final table kai apo prwtos moy hmoyn termatise 7os kai kataidrwmenos

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