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Pokerland Φόρουμ


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Όλες οι δημοσιεύσεις του/της afterimage

  1. katevazw to logismiko apo to link sas kai den mou exei create a new account sth login selida. help!
  2. hahahaha apisteyto!! p.s.tha tairiaze vevaia kalytera sthn enothta http://www.pokerland.gr/option,com_kune ... id,50.html kai oxi strathgikh mtts
  3. Ντίνος Μαυρομμάτης έγραψε: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  4. ineverfold έγραψε: :ohmy:
  5. ma kala pws to kane? mporw na to kanw ki egw?
  6. "why is every post i click on these days someone taking an excellent line to max value and then falling prey to levelling themselves into folding the river? i like the way you played the hand. call the river. " nomizw oti that's the case ki edw
  7. paixtaras! ti eixes sto KK6J? p.s.: proteinw aygoustos official thread edit:a!kai sto 24JQkati
  8. afterimage


    TheChald έγραψε: eisai sigouros? giati de shkwnei kai polla polla
  9. yparxei kanas deikths $/hour? average posa trapezia paizeis? otan xaseis se kapoio trapezi to anaplhrwneis kapakia?
  10. ImbecIle έγραψε: duh.. akoma den katalavainw giati pnigomaste se mia koutalia nero
  11. afterimage έγραψε: +1 epishs an paixeis me paixth pou nomizei oti esy eisai bot tha vgaleis akoma pio polla :laugh: [/quote:2cu1fbpg]
  12. crackLiNg έγραψε: +1 epishs an paixeis me paixth pou nomizei oti esy eisai bot tha vgaleis akoma pio polla
  13. foustouki έγραψε: no pls do!einai akrws endiaferon!(den to lew eirwnika se kamia periptwsh )
  14. ssotoss έγραψε: hahahahahahhaha
  15. afterimage


    sitara! kai tetoia psaria eixa na dw apo kairo paliou pacific :cheer:
  16. iJustRiveredYou έγραψε: odws. kai sto 2+2 kai padou xefeygoun themata kai peftei spamarisma klp alla yparxei apla allh diathesh. den postaroun kapakia oi thigmenoi na klapsonouniasoun kai meta pali ta "fish" na blabladiasoun kai na ginei aytos o faylos kyklos. exw katalavei oti kata kapoio tropo ta regtagfish tou foroum tiltaroun me randomoposts alla den exw katalavei giati. poios sovaros antrwpos pou sevetai to xrono tou gives a shit gia thn kouveda me ta tria poulakia kai zhtaei kai delete? an to "fish" leei vlakeies gia kapoio thema strathghkhs h br h kati shmadiko telos padwn ok peite oti thelete ,alla mhn kaigeste twra me tyxaies chateries Oso prolavainoume...
  17. afterimage


    ok thnx mate
  18. afterimage


    me to betting currency ti paizei? tha ephreasei to se poia trapezia mporw na katsw?
  19. LuckyKnight έγραψε: ti einai sh hu? otan paizoume hu me koulo?[/quote:14ogeoe5] hahahahahahha!! :laugh: :laugh: at last a nice one!!!!
  20. ineverfold έγραψε:
  21. afterimage


    Hey there. Thelw info gia ladbrokes rake,rakeback,traffic,asfaleia,support,logismiko,multitabling,fishness,an pairnei HUD klp..
  22. ektos tou oti kanei represent liga pramata, nomizw ligoi akolouthoun ayto to line gia ayta sto 11$ tour, +ta busted draws,+ta pot odds, I CALL kai de noiwthw asxhma an xanw edw
  23. john4kos8 έγραψε: john4kos8 έγραψε: ?????
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