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bouklinio έγραψε: mayth thn apopsh pou kouvalas sto kefali sou (megisth vlakeia imo/ no offence/de me noiazei ki olas o kathenas oti monizei) wtf kaneis sto forum? an pisteyeis ayta shkw fyge kai ase ton holdem na dinei gnwsh epeidh einai pozeras vlakas, apla pramata. p.s.hdh o sicksick einai psiloafados. well played
aircondition FTW!!
iJustRiveredYou έγραψε: Fantazomai oti ennoeis oti to range tou sto flop einai set/flush draw? De shmainei tote m'ayth thlogikh oti an exoume AdX tote meiwnetai poly h pithanothta na'xei flush kai eimaste epomenws pio syxna antimetwpoi me monster?[/quote:lts3m3bu] set, fd, και καποιο Kxs που εκανε two pair δε μου φαινεται απιθανο. Αν εχεις lag image και σε εχει βαρεθει ειναι ενα board που θα δοκιμαζα c/r bluff εγω, οχι ευκολα λογο του fd αλλα και παλι υπο προυποθεσεις θα το εκανα αν ηξερα οτι πετας αρκετα φυλλα εκει. Αν εχουμε το Ad ναι μειωνεται η πιθανοτητα να εχει flush αρα μεγαλυτερη πιθανοτητα για set αλλα ειναι ενα φυλλο που αν πεσει diamond "αντεχει" να ριξει second barrel καθως εχεις draw to the nuts και ξερεις οτι δεν εχει nut fd. Αν θελεις 100% να κανεις float νομιζω ειναι πιο profitable με το AdQs. QQ θα σε βαλει σε tough spots στο turn αν λες ειδικα οτι ειναι πολυ καλος post flop. Οποτε και το equity που μπορει να εχει το QQ against draws παει περιπατο αν αναγκαστεις να πασσαρεις turn/river.[/quote:lts3m3bu] Otan anaferesai sto AQ kai les gia second barrel exeis ypothesei aytheraita oti o adipalos exei checkarei turn, kai otan anaferesai stis QQ kai milas gia tough spot sto turn exeis ypothesei exisou aythaireta to anapodo, oti dhladei tha kanei bet. why?
iJustRiveredYou έγραψε: Πιστευεις οτι το passive fish κανει bluff squeeze?? Αν ειναι ετσι δε μου φαινετε και τοσο passive.. Αν θελεις να κανεις μπλοφα(για εμενα δεν περναει σχεδον ποτε against him στο NL25) κανε μικρο 4bet αλλα αν θελεις για value βαλτα ολα μεσα δε θα καταλαβει διαφορα το fish. Δεν υπαρχει λογος να εχεις balanced range εκει για εμενα. Against the unknown button παλι δε μου αρεσει το bluff 4bet εκτος και αν εχεις καλα read οτι κανει πολυ squeeze αλλα επειδη λες οτι ειναι unknown δεν εχεις. Οποτε ειναι για value οποτε βαλτα ολα μεσα.. [/quote:hjww76e8] misunderstood Exhgousa ti skopo exei to size tou 4bet mou genika sayto to spot. Profanws sayth thn periptwsh ola ta cases pou anaferw ektos tou get it in den exoun kanena nohma kai einai gia alles katastaseis pou exoun anaptyxthei oi katallhles dynamikes.thnx gia thn apadhsh.
Nai ta katalavainw ayta apla tha ithela dyo lines gia ta dyo senaria pou rwthsa: 1)unknown btn/calling stations MP kai CO(dld callaroun to 3bet) 2)passive fish btn/calling stations MP kai CO(dld callaroun to 3bet)
holdemgr έγραψε: An thimamai kala anoixa 4x sta 0.80 kai meta apo tous 2 callers o btn eipe 4~. To min 4bet sto paiximo mou(mporei na einai kai lathos obv) einai to standar size mou sayto to spot me olo to range pou tha apofasisw na kanw 4bet. An exw air kai kanei squeeze einai fthnh mplofa,an exw fyllo pou paizw gia stacks tis perissoters fores tha mpoune ta lefta preflop. An oxi kai kanei call mou menei kalo size 12~ sta 17~ gia to flop,enw yparxei kai h periptwsh na erthei over the top me fylla pou kerdizw epeidh nomizei oti exei folding equity.
sxedon molis ekatsa sto trapezi. anoigw utg AK,call call dipla mou,3bet o btn paso ta blinds. i min 4bet kai snap called se instashove tou. pws sas fainetai/tha paizate sth thesh mou? meta apo ligo eida oti htan passive fish(flattare AK apo sb meta apo co open kai call btn klp klp..) an eixa ayth thn plhroforia poio tha eprepe na htan to play mou meta to 3bet tou? ty
aka_Lamogio έγραψε: xaxaxaxaxa :laugh:
liondani έγραψε: exeis na proteineis ?
ok thanx man. gl se poker kai exetastikh
@foustouki Hey man me aformh ta results pou eida sto ptr ithela na rwthsw giati afhses to 50nlhu enw ta phgaines exairetika kala? To rwtaw giati skeftomai na asxolhthw ki egw me to athlima kai eipa mhn eides kapoio arnhtiko pou den exw skeftei(pera apo ta kerdh..?? )
Se poia stakes/site ginetai ayth h sfagh?
An katalavainw kala dhladh to rakeback den einai x% tou rake pou actually exw plhrwsei sto site, alla x% tou MGR to opoio ypologizetai me tous 3 aytous tropous.. Kai ayto pou leei h Ladbrokes anaferetai sto MGR.. Swsta?
sithonas15 έγραψε: FYP Diavase px gia th Ladbrokes. De milhse pote kaneis gia rakeback
Nope anaferomai ston tropo pou xrewnei rake h ekastote etaireia p.x. http://www.flopturnriver.com/pokerforum ... 73687.html also apo random google vrhka ayta 1)The dealt rake method divides the resulting rake equally among the players who are dealt into a hand 2)Poker rooms using the contributed rake calculation method divide the resulting take among the players who contributed to the pot, regardless how much they actually put in there. 3)The weighted contributed rake method considers the amount of money every player puts into the pot, and assigns the rake contribution accordingly. Ladbrokes p.x. pou paizw twra exei to trito Weighted Contributed Rake Ladbrokes Poker calculates rake by using the "weighted contributed rake" method. This method is 100% accurate as only active players are allotted rake contribution. Individual contributions are determined in direct proportion to the amount of money players have contributed to the pot. Please note there is no increase in the total rake taken per hand when compared to other rake methods. This is merely a more accurate method in how rake is allocated to individual players. Opote h erwthsh mou paramenei h idia / ektos an exw katalvei kati lathos exhghste mou
Poia einai pio symferousa gia ton paixth dealt or contributed or weighted contributed? Ayto allazei analoga me ton paixth(poso action player einai) h oxi?
laxmana (h opoios xerei) ta asterakia pws ta vazeis sto pokerstove px ta *d*d h ta K*?
http://www.pokercast.tv/poker-videos-st ... ame-iv-e01
kotsiras έγραψε: nanai kai suited :laugh: