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Κοίταξε Atlantic city που πήγα πρόσφατα, απαγορεύεται σε όλα τα poker room. Ξέρω οτι απαγορεύεται και Αγγλία και φαντάζομαι και Las Vegas.
Live πόκερ στην Ελλάδα, η επόμενη μέρα
topic απάντησε mental's leonidas79 σε Σχόλια σε άρθρα του Pokerland
Το rake στο 1/2 δεν είναι τόσο μεγάλο, 5% με 6euro cap είναι καλά. Απλά στα μεγαλύτερα level γδέρνει λίγο γιατί ειναι σε bb αντί για συγκεκριμένα χρήματα. Στο Atlantic city που πήγα πρόσφατα έχουν 10% με 4$ cap σε όλα τα casino και νομίζω απλά στο Borgata σε higher stakes έχουν 10$ χρέωση την ώρα και εκεί είναι η διαφορά.. -
Greek Series of Poker, Event #11, Live updates
topic απάντησε mental's Nickakis! σε Live Poker Updates
o tsairas o nikos se ti katastasi einai? thnx -
an paizeis apo flash player (apo to internet) de krataei istoriko. an exeis egkatastisei to programma sto pc sou, tote pas sto Statistics - Session browser. Aristera exei ta sessions, dexia exei ta trapezia/tournoua pou exeis paixei, kaneis click se opoio trapezi/tournoua theleis, patas show hands kai kato vgenei to history.
katse giati mperdeuomaste. Sto 200NL pou einai 1/2 blinds to max buy in einai 200(exou kai to 200NL) sto opoio prepei na exeis 20-25 buy in gia na paixeis. Opote se ena ring game opos to apollonia pou exei 500 to ligotero max buy in, exeis 2.5 fores ligotera buy ins apo oti tha eprepe. Etsi poli apla i pithanotita na xaseis olo to bankroll sou einai megaliteri apo 1-3% pou eixes an itan ena kanoniko ring game(me kanoniko buy in pou eixes to analogo bankroll).
exo mia erotisi sxetika me to buy in sta cash games. Apo oso xero sinithos to ring game sto apollonia einai 2/2 NL. To Buy in se 200NL ring game einai 40/200 (min/max) 'i genika se ring games 20/100 big blings. Apo oso xero to buy in pou epitrepetai sto apollonia einai megalitero. Prokeitai auto na allaxei? Giati poli apla an kapoios mporei na kanei buy in 500-800 euro den einai pia skill game, alla tzogos.
As arxisoume me ta vasika, ta pot odds einai ta lefta pou einai idi sto pot kai ara perimeneis na kerdiseis xoris further betting. p.x an sto turn eisai 1 pros 2 underdog kai prepei na kaneis call pou einai 1 pros 2 tou pot, exeis ta pot odds na kaneis call. Tora ta implied pot odds ipologizoun, posa lefta mporeis na pareis parapano apo oti exei mesa sto pot an kaneis to xeri sou. I pio apli periptosi einai auti pou ipologizeis me implied pot odds oti mporeis na pareis olo to stack tou. p.x se NL100 pou exete 80$ kai oi 2 kanei raise 5$ kai to pot einai 8$, esi kanontas call exeis pot odds 1 pros 1, ta maximum implied pot odds einai 10 pros 1 an ipologisoume olo to stack tou. Alla auto einai i idaniki periptosi. As doume mia pio logiki periptosi. Paizeis NL200, exeis kanei raise pre flop 6$ apo to button me :Ad :Kd, ta blinds pane paso kai se kanei call enas tight aggresive paixtis apo middle position. To pot einai 15$. To flop einai :9c :7h :6d, kai kaneis continuation bet 7$ sto opoio pairneis ena call. To pot einai 29$. To turn erxetai :2d pou sou dinei to nut flush kai xanakaneis bet 16$. O antipalos sou kanei raise 36$ pou fernei to pot sta 81$. Tora as ipologisoume ta pot odds. Prepei na kaneis call 20$ gia na kerdiseis ta 81$, ara exeis 4 pros 1 pot odds. Tora ipothetoume enas tight player san auton tha ekane tetio raise mono me to nut straight dld an eixe 10 8, 'i me kapoio set opote 99, 77, 66. Ipothetontas tin kaliteri periptosi oti den exei diamond sto xeri exoume: 9 outs an exei straight, peripou 20% na kanoume to xeri mas sto river, dld 1 pros 5. 7 outs an exei set, peripou 16% na kanoume to xeri mas sto river, dld 1 pros 6. Eimaste 4 pros 1 opote den exoume ta pot odds na kanoume to call. As doume ta implied pot odds tora. An kanoume to nut flush kai de veltiothei to xeri tou antipalou an exei set, poso ipologizoume oti mporei na kanei call sto river? To pot einai 101$. Kata pasa pithanotita epeidi petixame to backdoor flush draw, o antipalos mas tha kanei call otidipote anamesa se 30-50$, xoris na ipologisoume tin pithanotita na tou kanoume check-raise sto river. Tora xerontas oti tha kerdisoume toulaxiston 30$ akoma as xanakanoume tous ipologismous. To call 20$ gia na kerdisoume 131$, mas dinei implied pot odds 1 pros 6.5, ara se auto to senario to kanei kalo call. Kleinontas na sou po oti oles oi periptoseis den einai idies, an px se autin tin periptosi eixes to nut flush apo to flop, i pithanotita na plirotheis tha itan mikroteri.
de katalavaino giati tosi istoria, piges na kaneis ena play vasismeno fantazomai se read kai de sou vgike giati o allos itan donk. Stin teliki to play den itan toso kalo kai o allos eixe kai to kalitero xeri. De pisteuo oti einai xeri pou axizei prosoxi anyway. Ego exo parei call 40$ se cash 50nl, apo kapoion me 45clubs, otan ekana all in me KK se board AA8 me ena club kai vgike runner runner flush. Auto itan donkey call kai way underdog...
Ο Χρήστος Βέττας νικητής του Aisopos 4
μία συζήτηση δημοσίευσε mental σε Σχόλια σε άρθρα του Pokerland
** Αυτό το θέμα ασχολείται με το άρθρο: Ο Χρήστος Βρέττας νικητής του Aisopos 4 ** xoris na orkizomai, nomizo ton xristo ton lene veta, oxi vreta -
oxi den itan lathos call, apla xtipise 1 outer, simple as that...