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Εδώ και μία ώρα περίπου ξαφνικά έπεσε ο σέρβερ της fulltilt poker παγκοσμίως, από ότι φαίνεται και στο forum 2+2. Το θέμα είναι ότι μια άλλη φορά που θυμάμαι προγραμματισμένη συντήρηση δεν υπήρχαν άλλα διαθέσιμα προς εγγραφή σγκ και περίμεναν να τελειώσουν αυτά που ήδη έτρεχαν για να αρχίσει η συντήρηση. Μάλιστα ακυρώθηκαν τα προσεχή προγραμματισμένα ΜΤΤ. Ας ελπίσουμε να είναι όντως αυτό που φαίνεται και να πάρουμε περισσότερα από τα λεφτά μας πίσω (αφού κάποια τουρνουά είχαν ήδη προχωρήσει αρκετά τη στιγμή της διακοπής). Θα είναι άδικο να πάρουμε μόνο τα buy - in πίσω γιατί τότε θα τα δώσουν και σε αυτούς που έπαιξαν και αποκλείστηκαν πριν τη διακοπή. Αναμένουμε...


Δεν φαίνεται για προγραμματισμένη συντήρηση, μάλλον αντιμετωπίζουν κάποιο πρόβλημα. Δεν ξέρω αν υπάρχει ο τρόπος να αποθηκευτούν κάπου όλα τα δεδομένα των τουρνουά τη στιγμή που έπεσε ο server. Πιθανώς να έχουν προβλέψει κάτι τέτοιο ακριβώς για τέτοιες περιπτώσεις. Τότε λογικά θα δώσουν τα λεφτά με ICM.


Απάντηση υπεύθυνου της fulltilt στο 2+2:

Hi all,

We're working on bringing the site back up as soon as possible. I hate giving hard estimates since anything can change them, but I'm hearing it would be surprising if we weren't back up in the next 60-90 minutes.

All running tournaments will be cancelled and paid out according to rule #31 at http://www.fulltiltpoker.com/tourRules.php

All ring game hands that were in progress will be rolled back as if they never happened.

Everyone will get today credited as an "Iron Day" by Monday or Tuesday at the latest.

The Iron Man freerolls that were cancelled will be rescheduled, likely for next weekend. We will send an email out with the new day and time as soon as possible.

If you find anything that looks wrong when you are able to log back on, please write to support and they will look into your situation.

Apologies for the downtime.

Ισχύουν τα εξής:

31.2. If the tournament had not yet reached the money - All players still in the tournament at the time of the cancellation will be refunded their tournament buy-in and tournament fee. Players will have their buy-ins refunded in the same currency they used to enter the tournament (real money, Tournament Tickets, etc.), unless they earned their entry through a satellite, in which case, they will be refunded the standard buy-in for the tournament. In addition, the buy-ins of players already eliminated as well as the remainder of any Cashout pool from the tournament will be divided up and distributed to the remaining players, based on their chip counts. Guarantees will be included in the player payouts. However, any money added to the prize pool that is not part of a guarantee will not be included in the player payouts.

31.3. If the tournament had reached the money - All players still in the tournament at the time of the cancellation will have their tournament fee refunded and be awarded with the next guaranteed payout. In addition, the remaining prize pool (and Cashout pool where applicable) will be distributed amongst the surviving players based on their chip counts.

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