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Έχω παίξει μόνο cash στο Λονδίνο και το συνιστώ ανεπιφύλακτα. 1 - 2 και 2 - 4 στο Grosvenor Victoria είναι ότι πρέπει -πολύ soft. Έχουν και καθημερινά tours με προσιτά buy - in. Κοίταξε στο Internet:

Grosvenor Victoria Casino


Casino at the Empire

Τώρα για το καινούργιο Poker Club που άνοιξε στο Λονδίνο (FOX νομίζω) θα σε γελάσω.

Καλές διακοπές.


kalispera file mathew..apo aurio tha eimai st london k egw gia 2 tours tou PKR (PKR Live V) opou tha ginei sto fox poker club..(www.foxpokerclub.com).apoti kserw to sigkekrimeno poker room exei kathe mera toylaxiston 2 tours me diafora buy in k cash apo 0.5/1 mexri 25/50..auta kserw pros to paron alla an den exeis vgalei akri isws mporesw na se voithisw perissotero afou gyrisw opou tha dw k apo konta to ti paizei..

  • 2 weeks later...

Simfono me ton filo pio pano gia to cash game sto Victoria Grosvenor.

sta trapezia 1-2 kai 2-4 cash game tha vreis poli poli efkolous antipalous, idika paraskevi/savato.

Gia tournoua xekinaei ena kathe vradi stis 20:00 episis sto idio casino.

Episis to "International poker club"(Proin Gutshot club) exei tournoua kathimerina stis 14:00 me meso oro pexton 30-40.(etsi itan mexri kai persi pou efiga apo londino) kai kathe vradi stis 20:00 me meso oro pexton 80-100.




ws monimos katoikos londinou exw na sou protino ta exhs..

gia CASH exeis polles epiloges :

VICTORIA : exei panta paixnidia 1-2, 2-5 kai akribotera holdem kathws epeishs kai omaha ( epipedo kai sta dyo paixnidia poio anebasmeno apo ta alla casino kathws pane poloi pitsirikades epaggelmaties gia live granding)

PALM BEATCH: makran to kalhtero 5-10 game tou londinou me pollous arabes methismenous paixtes rouletas.

EMPIRE: epishs poly kalo 1-2 , 1-3 merikes fores kai 2-5 game me pollous touristes kai ''daskalous'' pou moirazoun lefta .

G casino , Gala , Golden Nuggett : 1-2 kai 1-1 holdem ths plakas ....me 40-50£ buy in kai polla donks

FOX: ta cash game den einai ths prokophs akoma

oson afora gia Tournament :

ta kalhtera einai ayta tou sabbatou kyriws logo oti sygentronoun kamposa atoma kai to prozepool einai ok .... ta kalhtera se VICTORIA kai PALM BEATCH ( poio psila buy in ekei )

oson afora mesobdomada tha breis sto victoria arketa kala tour me ikanopoihtiko arithmo atomwn ....

makran to kalhtero tournoua einai ayto pou exoun sto poker club ''the international'' kathe pempth apogeyma ....38 lires stoixizei kai arxizeis me 15.000 stack .....afordable deepstack pou mazeyei 100-150 atoma .

ayta ta liga

an theleis kati allo apla rwtas


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