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Ένα χέρι για σχολιασμό από nl25 6max (110 bb effective) αν έχει κανείς όρεξη:

Raise από UTG 0,75 με KsKc. 3-bet ο αντίπαλος 2,07 από MP. Reraise στα 6,56. Ο αντίπαλος call. 

Flop: Js9s7s. Τι κάνω εδώ; Έκανα shove. 

Παίζω 21/17/7,5 και ο αντίπαλος 50/17/12,5 σε 55 χέρια. 


sxetika logika to pexes,dn eimai eidikos se cash games ,opote apoti katalabainw ekei to stack to pot ratio  einai kapou 2 sto flop.Etsi fenetai isws to mikro bet h kaluterh epilogh kai jam to turn ektos k an einai spade to turn p panta checkarw ekei me spr 1 pleon sto turn k xrwma ston rigga.

Genika skeftomoun oti ekei wfeiloume na exoume kapoia give ups apo to 4-bet range mas se ena tetoio flop,opote ti 8atan kalo na balancaroume to checkin range mas sto flop,alla ypo8etw oti isws yparxoun kalutera canditates opws JJ, AA me spade h kapoia flopped flushes p exoume me Ak px.

Opote h telikh apopsh ou einai bet flop 30% pot san kaluterh epilogh ekei mias kai to eq tou range tou antipalou mas prepei na nai sxetika xamila overall ,k exei kapoia hands p einai ahead opws JJ,99 omws giauto dn jamaroume ,gia na eimaste sigouroi oti 8a afisoume kai arketa worse hands sto range tou ekei betarontas xamila me oxi megalh pi8anotita na mas suckarei se mia karta(px QT,AsQx etc dn exoun toso eq)

στις πριν 5 λεπτά, ο/η alex6255 είπε:

sxetika logika to pexes,dn eimai eidikos se cash games ,opote apoti katalabainw ekei to stack to pot ratio  einai kapou 2 sto flop.Etsi fenetai isws to mikro bet h kaluterh epilogh kai jam to turn ektos k an einai spade to turn p panta checkarw ekei me spr 1 pleon sto turn k xrwma ston rigga.

Genika skeftomoun oti ekei wfeiloume na exoume kapoia give ups apo to 4-bet range mas se ena tetoio flop,opote ti 8atan kalo na balancaroume to checkin range mas sto flop,alla ypo8etw oti isws yparxoun kalutera canditates opws JJ, AA me spade h kapoia flopped flushes p exoume me Ak px.

Opote h telikh apopsh ou einai bet flop 30% pot san kaluterh epilogh ekei mias kai to eq tou range tou antipalou mas prepei na nai sxetika xamila overall ,k exei kapoia hands p einai ahead opws JJ,99 omws giauto dn jamaroume ,gia na eimaste sigouroi oti 8a afisoume kai arketa worse hands sto range tou ekei betarontas xamila me oxi megalh pi8anotita na mas suckarei se mia karta(px QT,AsQx etc dn exoun toso eq)

mporeis na xrisimopoiiseis to jam san sizing sto flop me QQ-AA xwris spade kai na to balancareis me AK h AQ me ena spade ekei,k na exeis alla hands p betareis xamila opws auto k kapoia check opws eipa

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