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Loutraki Staking gia tin tetarti No2 :D

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Mias kai pige kala tin proigoumeni xronia kai os bankroll freak pou eimai ksanaparo me ton filo mou "Link" sto tournoua tis tetartis sto Loutraki.

To proigoumeno thread edo


Ta nickname tou Link gia metafores

stars = LiNkK4pRieSt

gr = LiNk___

Ta dika mou

Stars = sk8tavou

gr = sk8tavou

Opiosdipote endiaferete protimo stin gr gia na paikso kai satellite gia tin parnitha min kano katathesi :P


Dinoume mexri 50% o kathenas.

To tournoua dinei rebuy mono an xaseis to miso sou stack ara iparxei pithanotita opos kai sto proigoumeno to rebuy na min xrisimopoihthei ara pigenoun sto epathlo.

Kali xronia :D


Grhgoro update gt koutoulaw k aurio exei nwris ksupnima!!

Tavou busto AQ vs QQ all in pre ( gnk ap oti mou lege ekane metanies gia na piasei fullo)

Egw bustara 7th place k pira 310euro. To reb dn egine opote aurio me clear head upologizw k stelnw se souramaliki. Oi upoloipoi apo konta . Ty ty gia to supprt !! Higher score next time hopefully , mas ponese ligo h turbila :PP

peaceee gia smra kalhnuxtes !!

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