holdemgr έγραψε: Mhpws einai symptwsh oti den yparxei dhmofilhs ellhnikh leksh pou na apodidei thn ennoia "humor" ? Irony 1: H leksh "humor" (h "humour" )exei ellhnikh riza Irony 2: Oi ksenoi xrhsimpoioun kalytera apo mas th leksh "irony"[/quote:yaisla0g] Humor: 4. Etymology: from 1340, "fluid" or "juice of an animal or plant", from Anglo-Norman humour, from Old French humor, from Latin umor, "body fluid"; related to umere, "be wet, moist", and to uvescere, "become wet". In ancient and medieval physiology, "any of the four body fluids" (blood, phlegm, choler, and melancholy or black bile) whose relative proportions were thought to determine the state of people's minds. This led to a sense of "mood" or "temporary state of mind"; the sense of "amusing quality, funny" is first recorded in 1682, probably by way of the sense of "whim, caprice", which also produced the verb sense of "indulge". http://www.wordinfo.info/words/index/in ... _unit/1005 Einai adianohto na tsakoneste kai na grafete tosa akura se ena pokeriko forum. Stiki no offense.